Black: hi so called hows your night? Red: hi Red: it's vapid Black: hi back at ya Red: who are you Black: oh sorry about the vipidity Black: im good Black: mine was a good one i'd say Red: 'who' are you Black: i'm tom Red: tom who Black: i'm this artist who see conversation as art Red: bah Black: which mean i tend to do a lot of talking and iming Red: where did you come from Black: i like bah - that's the sheep sound right? Black: the usual - my mom met my dad.... Black: that all took place in philadelphia Black: how about you? Red: nah, it's just a general mode of exasperation Red: was it through the journal? Red: that must have been it Black: what's the journal? Red: or maybe friendster Red: or orkut Black: oh yes one of those things Red: three possibilities Black: these days what happens a lot is someone will say 'hey you should talk to this person' so yes somewhere in that whole process.. Black: maybe? Red: bah Red: I don't have a profile there any more Black: i like the bah thing - that can be your thing Red: ok Red: that's my thing then Black: excellent Black: i knew the night wasn't quite over Red: it might be Red: tut tut Red: you never know Red: let me see your profile Red: are you up to standard? Black: i have my salons at the hollywood standard - does that count? Red: too much mystery Black: Red: mystery is passe Red: haha Black: mystery is the new black! Black: hah Red: is that the buster keaton face Black: i think that's really more of what the photographer wanted Black: haha - i was - that's really i was quite surprised when i first saw it Red: it's a good look Black: thansk i appreciate it Red: so in conversations, you usually type more Red: you're a "worker" Black: hmm interesting Black: a scribe Red: someone once told me that means that the other person is not interested in you Black: actually most of the paintings now are spoken Black: face to face Red: but he was being "cynical" Red: that's for the best Red: chat died in 1999 Black: typing means not interested you mean? Black: yipes! Red: no, the person typing less is disinterested Black: ah - yes you get that a lot on im Black: someone will say: Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Black: and the person will then just ssay Black: 'ok' Black: hah yes it's an artifact of im Red: I'm a straight shooter, most of the time Red: so I need less space to say what I want to say Red: (usually) Black: that's precision Red: what's the picture with the naked mattress on the floor about Black: i have a friend who is an - what's that? Black: naked mattress Black: in that article you mean? Red: ! Red: no no Red: Black: oh let me see Red: I want a buster keaton portrait Red: do you think the wal-mart photo studio could hook me up Black: oh i don't know i've never seen that Red: ok Red: I guess that's not your site Black: but you're right - it kind of looks like a matress just sitting there Black: no it's an art site from toronto Red: oh ok, I hate reading Black: that was the first thing i did with them was that interview Red: I like pictures Black: me too Black: pictures have colors Red: how weird Black: and shapes Black: lines and textures Black: all good stuff Red: I have been listening to bohemian rhapsody Red: that's so wrong Black: that's queen right Black: mama mia Red: right, but sooo wrong Black: et al Black: i like wrong things sometimes Black: wow this is kind of fun Black: wrong Black: gronw Black: grown Black: a little flip flopping leads to growth Black: nice Red: so you ask people to draw doodles Black: pretty much Red: good gawd Black: although i never saw draw Black: it's more about having a conversation without words Red: I need words Black: just like going for it with the markers Black: yes well now i do too Black: words followed up the drawings Red: doodles would work in italy Black: they're easy ways to get things done - to get things expressed Black: nice Black: the - village voice called me that - the only time i was in the paper Black: doodle artist Black: haha Black: i guess it fits Black: but why italy? Red: doodle is a good word Black: lots of doodle guys there? Red: italy is perfect because it is friendly Red: I see italy as 'friendly' Black: nice - i want to go Red: doodling is all the rage Black: italy friendly lee Black: really - people sharing them? Red: yes Black: that's what was most exciting about that for me Red: everyone doodles Black: not knowing where it was going to go Black: wow great Red: you have started a revolution Black: youve spent some time there it would seem Red: instead of the motorcycle diaries.... Red: there will be Black: the doodlelution! Red: the marker diaries Black: nice! Black: i had a huffy as a kid Red: I don't remember my bike Black: i'm guessing you're.................. daria? Red: Aria Black: oh Black: music Red: so-called Aria Black: i see Red: whoosh Black: light! Red: the tunnel of light Red: where do you live Black: i'm a nyer Black: you? Red: why did you want to say hi Black: it's fun Red: I want the backstory Black: the baby story stuff? Red: nuh uh Red: what lead you to Aria Red: I was addicted to salon personals for a while Black: you probably had something that i found interesting to say in something - or i could have just liked the so called kind of name Black: favorite place you'd rather be Black: yes all those questions Black: haha Black: it's a world of text Black: meeting mating text Red: odd Black: yes but somehow real too Black: haha i mean that's now the world Black: what broke your addiction? Red: I was kicked off Black: betty ford salon? Black: oh why? Red: I put my aol id in my headline too much Red: so they cancelled my account Red: it wasn't going anywhere, of course Black: did it go to the court of higher appeals? Red: no, it was more of a toilet, I suppose Black: of bits and bytes Red: basically Red: I cleaned my toilet today Red: my bathroom got a complete overhaul Black: have you resurected yourself in the online world yet? Black: nice mine too Black: but last week Red: no, I am sort of down on the internet Red: I've been reading books mostly Black: those bound things right? Red: I listen to Vikki Carr and Billy Idol sometimes Red: do you have an accent Black: when did billy - oh it was generation Black: no i had a philadelphia accent but i worked hard and lost it shortly after moving to ny Black: generation x that's it Red: what did it become Red: I want a greater range of accents Black: new york emigree Red: I just sound southern Black: i was out with a german artist friend tonight Black: so he had a german accent Red: german accents are so fun Black: and his girlfirned is japanese Black: so her was japanese Red: I think I could only handle one accent at a time Black: and then some french people were there too with their accents Black: so it was accent stew Black: oh southern is nice Red: I guess Black: i have a southern singer friend Black: she called on my birthday and i asked her to sing happy birthday for me hahah it was great Red: I like when people sing on the phone Black: so like kentucky? that kind of accent? Red: it makes me feel normal Red: I'm not sure what region Red: I'm "from" Tennessee Black: lots of double letters in that one Black: i like it Black: they should have just gone with tteenneessee Red: nah Red: that's too over the top Black: teenneessee? Black: no the over 20 crowd might revolt Red: maybe... Black: wha's the most tennessee thing about tennessee that you can think of? Red: UT Vols baseball caps Black: they have those in every size? Red: yes Red: even elephant man size Black: nice Black: although he was kind of small right? Red: his head was huge Red: so he would need a big cap Black: is that like that cher movie? Black: the mask? Red: basically Black: well that would be a big hat for sure Red: for sure! Black: i wonder where the world's biggest hat is? Red: iowa Red: or texas Black: hah Black: well those british royal guards have big hats Black: the big fluffy ones Black: and bishops too Red: I bet those itch Black: medieval popes - now those are some big hats Black: put flava to shame Red: flava flav syndrome Black: so who invented talking by typing Black: probably some genius somewhere Red: some social retard Black: i'd imagine they must have a collection of big hats Black: it's definately a different way of looking at the world Black: imagine this in the 19th century Red: no, they wear studded leather everything Black: selling that concept Red: do you have a blog Black: funny you should ask hahah Black: i just got one off the ground Black: it's................... Red: I try... Red: but it never really keeps my attention Black: Black: what's yours? Red: Black: ah a fellow blogspotter Black: and the same template! Black: well almost Black: nice Black: when did you start yours? Black: ah i see december Red: I had another one before that Red: but I deleted it Black: oh this one has only 3 entries on it! Red: yes Black: tha's only 2 more that mine i believe Red: dedication Black: in full force Red: you're slacking off Black: i started last night! Red: likely story Black: alrigh let's do another one then i'll be caught up Black: you be red Black: ready? Black: hi this is my second or third blog post Red: I feel put on the spot Red: is this off the record Black: yes me too Black: yes Red: *spirit fingers* Black: you're good with word phrases Red: I like to listen to billy idol and do spirit fingers Red: I have no affiliation with any cheerleader organizations Black: what do spirit fingers say? Black: no pom poms anywhere in the house? Red: they say "spirit" Black: spritey fingers they Red: do you like to dance Black: very much so Black: dancing is painting in space Black: with other people Red: I am very random when I dance Black: me too Red: I think I follow the beat Black: let the beat follow you Black: that's what i say Red: what is your opinion on belching Black: they're conversation starters Black: at least they have been Black: belching is the new chat Red: belching is one of the perks of solitude Black: nicely put Black: we should blog this Red: ok Black: this is one of those nice conversations where we Red: blog it Black: yes Black: good Black: i've never used that verb before Black: blog this Red: it was inane enough Black: would make a good shirt Black: yes i like inane Red: me too Red: too much depth bores me Black: i try to get at least 67% inanity in my paintings Black: and the rest is depth Red: right Red: how old are you Black: 34 Black: how about you? Red: 24 Red: you're my senior Black: yes yes i am Red: senior level management Black: good glad i know that now Red: pocket protector Black: now i can act all seniory Red: pit stains Red: o my Black: stacks of papers Red: doodles Black: we always come back to doodles Red: there must be balance Black: oodles of balance Black: do you have a favorite aria? Red: no Red: I never listen to opera Red: I tried the maria callas thing Black: mine would probably be by maria callas Red: and she is pretty in pictures Black: oh very Red: I love her eyebrows Black: i wish i could've made her portrait Black: yes the beautiful kind Red: I have big eyebrows too Black: nice Red: have you seen my pictures Black: to paint them you'd use a brush like... no Black: i don't think i have Red: cool Red: then our relationship isn't completely superficial Red: that's such a comfort Black: yes see that's the thing - type is depth Black: pictures always get the short shrift - as important as they are Red: there are pictures here Black: it's the words that have meaning Red: Black: nice i like bimbos Red: or maybe it's photos Red: Red: me too Red: especially patented ones Black: yes i have much respect for people who can secure patents Black: pretty Black: and you like picasso's olga too Black: nice Red: aria's webcam days Black: are pictures still worth 1000 words since the euro came about? Black: i'm not good with exchange rates Red: no, pictures are worth 3 belches or 1 erection Black: ah the new economy Red: neoeconomics Red: belch beomes an emotion Black: it is in japan right? Red: yes, I think so Red: do you have a hot voice Black: yes scorching Red: can you do an impression of leonard cohen Red: ow! Black: hmm - singer songwritery guy.. chelsea hotel Black: tha's the guy right? Red: yeah Black: that's a very distinctive voice Black: he's great Red: it's nice Black: a real poet Black: i heard one of his albums just a few weeks ago Black: i could do a good impression of richard cohen back in high school Red: do you want to talk on the phone Black: that was my commercial art teacher Black: damned good guy Black: sure let me me blog this first Red: ok Black: alright now don't say anything so i can blog it Black: ready? Red: k Black: aria! Black: blogged Red: hurrah
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