
let me think about this question - i'll write back soon

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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Undressed Words (Lisa)

it's rainy here in ny but rain won't stop her from getting out to the world. this is what happened right before


Black: this is a portrait of a girl getting dressed to go out Black: here she is - in red Red: red. Black: wow red Black: are you going to wear red tonight? Red: no i rarely wear red Red: i dont generally feel comfortable in bright colors Red: i stick mainly to grays and blacks and dark blues. occasionally a little cramberry Red: soemtime sin the form of a stain Black: cramberry! Black: nice Red: oh. typos do make for veyr interesting mstakes sometimes Black: a little sin never hurt Red: im making many of them this time around Black: say hi to everyone out there in painting land Red: agreed. sin makes life far more fun Black: it does Red: hi painting people Black: because its about pushing a boundary Black: and once oyou do you find that the world gets a bit bigger Red: and also because all the fun things are ssinful Black: so everybody this is about fashion and the girl Black: what she's going to wear tonight Red: what IS she going to wear tongiht Red: this is a hard night to dress for Black: she's going to meet new people and they'll just think oh that's what she's wearing Black: but here we are behind the scenes where it all takes place Black: so what does this night require Red: pants. becaus ei dont feel like shaving my legs and because its cold and rinaful out Black: a fine choice! Black: well reasoned too Red: the tricky thing is to get the right combination of things to fit the nin crowd and also the 80s dance night Black: 80s meet the techno metal 90s Red: yes Red: if i were a boy i would just go in drag because drag works for all occasions Black: maybe it comes down to color Black: deep purple? Black: an 80s meets 90s deep purple Black: ah scary boots would be great Red: those i can do Red: i coudl do combat boots or i could do platforms Red: probably platforms Red: i <3 my platforms Red: i danced so hard in them that they BROKE and i had to find a cobbler to fix them becaus ei refused to part. Black: so he was able to cobble them back together? Red: yes they were cobbled to prefection Black: my mom makes a good peach cobbler Red: moms are good like that Black: moms rock Black: alright so here it is - it's all about attitude right? Red: yeah mymom is pretty much my favorite lady Black: i mean what you're going to wear Black: it's not about color or fabric Black: i think i got it -it's simply what you want to say about yourself Red: mm. more or less. Black: wow i should go into fashion now Red: and how you want to be reacted to Black: bright lisa or dark lisa Black: mysterious lisa or friendly lisa Black: brooding lisa or soothing lisa Black: little miss riding lisa or ruff ryding lisa Black: so many options Red: some things are just not for dancing in. i dont know. im not feeling motived. perhaps what i need is an apropriate playlist to inspire me Black: 7 years ago the only way we'd be able to do this would be telepathy or something Black: and i don't even believe in that Red: o? Red: i believe in it Black: well this is kind of like it no? Black: from one mind to another Red: mm Black: faster than we can thing Red: but it doesnt go straight form mind to mind Black: thnk Red: theres things in between Black: that's where typos come in Black: typos let you know in some cases that you're thinking with your fingers as well as your mind Red: thats true Red: sometime si type complete othe words from what im thinking im typng Black: wonderful Black: so this rocker girl -is she all dressed yet? Red: no shes actually just strating to undress


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When yyou going to finsh it?

4/02/2005 06:47:00 PM  
Blogger Tom Schreiber said...

hi this is tom i talked to lisa who that's a portrait of and we decided that the painting is all there

4/06/2005 10:58:00 AM  

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