
let me think about this question - i'll write back soon

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Friday, September 22, 2006

A great GOOD Lauch Party for NYC

-some of my photos just posted on flickr from the GOOD party-

see photos

$20 bottles of water, al gore, lots of forward thinkers all out doing GOOD last night. more to come about this in future posts... last night we were also playing 'random bits of conversation' with the many great guests at the event. more to come on the next podcast. also another set of post-it drawings for the nrdc project coming shortly. i'll be putting those for sale on missionfish page. more about that here learn about GOOD Magazine cheers all -tom

TOM SCHREIBER IN HYBRID SPACE EXHIBIT 11 West 20th Street. NYC open through OCT 7


Blogger Tom Schreiber said...

jessica's doing some good stuff this morning -

Black: jesss you want to go all red and black about it for a few - i need to update my blog page
Black: i bought a $20 bottle of water last night at a party
Red: oui -- c'est bon
Red: pourquoi?
Red: 20!
Red: I thought 6 was TERRIBLE.
Black: it had a black label
Red: were you at a rave
Black: a good party for a new magazine called good that people seem to flock to
Black: all kinds of people there - i was doing bits for my next podcast and just letting words bounce all over the place with the people there
Black: met a woman who is working to erase hunger along the US mexican border
Black: lots of dancing -plenty of talking and conversation
Black: so lets hear about your good idea miss jessicle
Black: we'll let all those people in blogland know all about it
Red: Well, if peole are selling 20 dollar water and people are willing to buy 20 dollar water, then I suppose we have enough money to spare
Red: peoPle
Black: yes indeed
Red: I maybe will start selling 25 dollar toilet paper
Black: oh here's the thing about the water
Black: all of the money goes to help build wells for people in africa who typically have to walk 3 hours a day just to find water
Black: he's doing a water alchemy of sorts
Black: great idea
Black: his water is called quite simply: charity water
Black: i have a great bit i recorded with him for the next podcast
Black: still there jess? mornings can get quite busy i know
Red: has stopped using the computer at 9:26:02 AM, and is now considered idle.
Red: has started using the computer again at 9:27:44 AM.
Red: Oh
Red: I'm trying to get my signs up and I will have to beg and plead with my land LORD
Red: haha
Red: THAT is a fine idea
Red: as long as he is honest
Red: and uses the funds to do good
Red: instead of roll around in a rolls or something silly
Black: haha
Red: Tommy. I love you. I have to charge up my drill so I can install some shelves
Black: he seems like a good guy - an artist also
Black: yes jess!
Red: YAY for good guys
Black: jess what's your new business's name?
Red: I was thinking about the word GOOD last night
Black: so we can post this and get the word out
Black: i'm hearing that!
Black: xo to you

Black: ladies and gentlemen, miss jess
Black: ok have a great day - talk soon
Red: Happy Fri(ed)ay

9/22/2006 11:18:00 AM  
Blogger Tom Schreiber said...

jessica's doing some good stuff this morning -

Black: jesss you want to go all red and black about it for a few - i need to update my blog page
Black: i bought a $20 bottle of water last night at a party
Red: oui -- c'est bon
Red: pourquoi?
Red: 20!
Red: I thought 6 was TERRIBLE.
Black: it had a black label
Red: were you at a rave
Black: a good party for a new magazine called good that people seem to flock to
Black: all kinds of people there - i was doing bits for my next podcast and just letting words bounce all over the place with the people there
Black: met a woman who is working to erase hunger along the US mexican border
Black: lots of dancing -plenty of talking and conversation
Black: so lets hear about your good idea miss jessicle
Black: we'll let all those people in blogland know all about it
Red: Well, if peole are selling 20 dollar water and people are willing to buy 20 dollar water, then I suppose we have enough money to spare
Red: peoPle
Black: yes indeed
Red: I maybe will start selling 25 dollar toilet paper
Black: oh here's the thing about the water
Black: all of the money goes to help build wells for people in africa who typically have to walk 3 hours a day just to find water
Black: he's doing a water alchemy of sorts
Black: great idea
Black: his water is called quite simply: charity water
Black: i have a great bit i recorded with him for the next podcast
Black: still there jess? mornings can get quite busy i know
Red: has stopped using the computer at 9:26:02 AM, and is now considered idle.
Red: has started using the computer again at 9:27:44 AM.
Red: Oh
Red: I'm trying to get my signs up and I will have to beg and plead with my land LORD
Red: haha
Red: THAT is a fine idea
Red: as long as he is honest
Red: and uses the funds to do good
Red: instead of roll around in a rolls or something silly
Black: haha
Red: Tommy. I love you. I have to charge up my drill so I can install some shelves
Black: he seems like a good guy - an artist also
Black: yes jess!
Red: YAY for good guys
Black: jess what's your new business's name?
Red: I was thinking about the word GOOD last night
Black: so we can post this and get the word out
Black: i'm hearing that!
Black: xo to you

Black: ladies and gentlemen, miss jess
Black: ok have a great day - talk soon
Red: Happy Fri(ed)ay

9/22/2006 11:30:00 AM  

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