
let me think about this question - i'll write back soon

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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Spill (with Winnie)

maybe i'll write more here later. but for now the text for tonight's painting is here. winnie is red.


Black: my friend steve said i should make a painting tonight about a story i told him Black: so taking his advice - feel like playing? Red: sure Black: nice! Black: see you in red Red: what's on your mind Black: ladies! Red: ladies eh? Red: what about them? Black: oh their niceness and loveliness mostly Red: girls are nice Black: did i spell loveliness right? Black: yes indeed Red: i think so Red: hair and skin... Red: giggles Red: pretty mouths Black: ah yes! Black: eyes too Red: mmhmm Red: pretty eyes Black: knees Red: sometimes innocent and flirty Red: sometimes angry or sad Black: yes i saw many nice eyes tonight Red: excellent? Red: all different colors? Black: yes! Red: yay! Black: many different colors of hair Black: and many different colors of eyes too Red: rainbows pretty Black: lips mostly red - in the red family Black: but all very different Black: rainbow girls! Red: my lips are pink Black: bonita Red: i like red lips Red: but it looks harsh on me Red: so i stick with pink Red: pouty Black: pink pouty lips Black: yes yes that's nice Black: in telling our story we're also - this is a portrait of you Black: so how was your day? Red: my day was ok i guess Red: i went on a below average date though Red: it was someone i met off nerve Black: a connection not there Red: i hadn't met anyone off there in a long time Red: no connection Red: and then he kissed me Red: he did the pointy darting thing Black: chemistry? Black: oh no Black: that answers that Red: and i was horrified Red: and wanted to run away Red: but i wore heels Black: ah - how could you have known it would be a sneaker date Red: yes Black: women and men - i like how they go together Red: i left my flip flops in the office Red: it is nice Black: flip flop date? Black: or just a flop date? Red: our heads always somehow fit very well in the crook of a man's neck Red: flop Red: i love my flip flops though Red: they are maroon colored Black: my lovely girlfriend just paid me the highest compliment tonight on the phone Red: ooh Red: what did she say? Red: doesn't it just make everything seem better and sweeter when you hear your love say wonderful things to you? Black: she said that i was a man who truly loved and understood women Black: yes it did Black: it really did Black: that's a big thing to say Red: that's awesome Red: yay for you Black: it was in the context of her talking about a friend of a friend who might be breaking up with his girlfriend Red: and your girlfriend Red: ah Black: the couple does work well Black: and she contrasted that man in that couple with me Black: so i'm happy - hearing that increased my happiness Red: yay Black: good for painters of people to love women Black: i mean most people are women ya? Red: i was just thinking to myself after getting on the train that i have yet to meet someone that truly understands and embraces me Red: yes Red: women outnumber men Black: the you - you or the more general you Red: either or Black: ah Black: good i 'm glad you got that Black: hah i almost didn't looking at it after i typed it Red: hehehehe Red: silly Red: you crack me up Black: thanks Black: alright then. that's my job Red: but you are one of the sweetest most generous people i have talked to Black: this is a portrait that portrays you being you Red: excellent Black: my story can wait Black: the focus is you Black: you being you Red: can you give me a tidbit of your story at least? Black: the youness of you Red: meness Black: oh - sure Red: =) Black: i went to the woman musuem and found myself caught in the beats and the lights and surrounding by the some of most lovely creatures the planet has Black: ok now back to you Black: :-) Black: oops that's 'surrounded' Black: not surrounding Red: oh wow Black: if i remember i'll change that before people who see this see it Red: woman museum Red: incredible Red: i want to see Black: the woman museum or the painting? Red: both! Black: nice! Black: well the best i can do here is to paint a word picture of them for you Red: hehe Red: that will suffice Black: both the painting that we're making and the woman museum Red: =) Black: the painting that we're making we're making because my good friend steve suggested i make a painting tonight about the story in the woman museum Black: and the woman museum is a kind of mysterious place Red: what kind of exhibits do they have? Black: the woman museum is just my word for what some might call a strip club Red: hahahahahahaha Red: i like that Red: i've only been to one strip club Black: i popped into the one in my neighborhood after steve and had our last meeting today Red: did you get a lap dance? Black: yes Red: fun Black: and a nose kiss too Red: nice Black: you know like . touching noses Red: i was not impressed by the exhibits at the one woman museum i went to Red: it was in a small college town. Red: the girl dancing was missing a lot of teeth Black: oops Black: were they at her feet? Red: yes Black: haha Red: hehehe Black: they're curious places Red: and then people started handing my friend and i singles to strip Red: and we just laughed and made the wise decision to leave mulletland Black: haha Black: well i too left tonight after my second drink Red: had enough? Black: well halfway through my second drink as we'll see Black: you know when you're in a groove? Black: a good groove Black: a life groove Black: that's you know.. like making something Black: a painting.. a drawing.. a cake Black: love Black: that kind of thing Black: you know those grooves right? Red: yes Red: yes i do Black: nice Black: well that where i found myself all day today Red: woooo Red: were you dancing a little bit all day? Black: i get to work doing creative things with my best friend - really like a brother.... but once i asked my mom if she remembered giving birth to him and she said no Red: hahaha Black: but still - he's a brother Black: brother steve Red: that's a relationship to cherish Black: indeed i do Red: the ones that were not throw together with you because of your parents procreating Red: not that actual siblings are not precious Red: hehe Black: yes i hear you Black: so the whole day we got to talk about some really good ideas with the people who can make them happen Black: so that was good Red: yay Red: that is exciting Black: on my way home as i got off the subway i decided to have a drink - a private celebration Black: a toast Red: awesome ideas coming into fruition Red: yay Black: yes -thanks Red: well, i regret having to say this Black: the place to get a refreshing drink is the woman museum Red: but it is time for me to retire Black: oh no Red: need to wake up in about 6 hours Red: thank you for thinking of me though for your paintings Black: alas we don't get to hear about the angry bar tender who crumpled up all my drawings and toss them angrily into the trash Red: and sharing all the exciting things in your life Black: another painting then i'll tell you that Red: *gasp* Red: ok Black: that's when i left Red: my goodness Red: not a friendly man Black: but not before turning over my beer first in stern protest to her nastiness Red: i'm sorry that happened Red: ack Black: no - this was a woman Red: oh Red: not very ladylike Black: i was surrounded by women - drawing one's eyes Black: a beautiful moment Black: and then -------- gone Black: all the drawings into the trash Red: that is unfortunate Red: she doesn't get it Black: no Black: but i do Red: a bad day/mood does not entitle you to violate someone and destroy what belongs to them Red: yes Black: and i'm glad i have a place to share that Red: there will be more for you Black: i still have the drawings Red: yes Black: i asked her to please get them out of the trash for me Black: she did Black: but again - said 'there? they're trash' Black: i took them and that's when i turned the beer over, grabbed my bag and left Black: now the woman museum is in me Black: :-) Black: alright winnnie - i know you have to run Black: my pleasure talking with you tonight Red: hehe Red: no, mine Red: really Red: you are one of my favorite discoveries Black: say goodnight to all the people in painting/ blog land Red: nanight everyone Black: i do appreciate that Red: *kisses* Black: i'm sure they're all waving back Red: hehe Black: oh! Black: nice Red: goodnight tom Black: namaste winnie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright i dunno what to say here. i liked that. i sent it to my bf

5/19/2005 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my litle brother spilled his milk today. all over everything!

5/28/2005 12:50:00 PM  

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