
let me think about this question - i'll write back soon

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Saturday, February 26, 2005


this is john moon, a friend who lives in chicago. he uses a motion picture camera to tell stories. this is about a moment of knowing that you don't always know what story you're telling. knowing that somehow takes the pressure off. -tom


Black: hows the night? Red: hey tom, how's it going? Bird paintings, eh? Black: yes Red: taking a vacation from the usual? Black: birds fly -like thoughts Black: well i suppose its the same thing Black: just with added wings Black: a hemline change i suppose Red: cool - when was the last time you made a painting? Black: oh i make a few everyday Black: i've started a series of drawings too Black: drawings of paintings Red: cool Red: are you branching out a bit? or have you always done this? Black: you know - here's an idea - can you make your type red? Black: then this will be a painting Red: sure Black: or a drawing Red: red Black: an importrait painting Black: nice Red: is this good red? Black: good a fine serious portrait of you Black: a fine rich red Red: excellent Black: yes that's a vibrant one Black: alright that's the intro part Black: now for the heart of the matter Black: this is the heart of the matter Black: but your matter Black: how's life? Red: life is... robotic Black: living in the machine age Black: talking reduced to blings Red: very to the point almost. yes. Black: how does a human such as yourself live in the machine age among robots? Red: well. i'm a robot with feeling i guess. Red: kind of like in A.I. or 2001 Black: i robot Red: exactly. maybe that's a good thing though, i don't know Black: we should let everybody know here that you are a maker of films Black: so theres a lot of the mechanical in that right there Red: i am yes. but lately, i haven't been able to say that with confidence Black: confidence is an interesting word Red: this "block" has gone on for much too long. Black: looked up it simply means - a sense of certainty about one's surroundings Black: you could be a block breaker Black: or a block chopper Red: and at one point, i had much certainty. then time passed. my certainty shrunk Black: a block chipper Black: are you certain of that? Red: i'm not sure Red: maybe it's not certainty. but determination - definitely Black: a portrait of confidence should always contain lots of determination Red: yes. but if determination is failing, how do i get the confidence back? Black: there's a certain feeling about confidence Black: i can be a loud feeling Black: a sound feeling Black: that's it Black: it can be a loud feeling Black: that right there is what we might call an outtake Black: an outtake is still film though right? Red: yes. so this would be an outtake for me? Red: this part of my life? Black: maybe outtakes just need to be stitched together with other outtakes and then they wouldn't be outtakes any longer Black: a collage of outtakes Black: a take out menu of outtakes Red: heh heh. now that would be good. that way i wouldn't have to feel as guilty about this outtake Red: stitched outtakes are ok in my book Black: makes making things easier Black: takes the pressure away Red: but in film - too many outtakes aren't too good either Black: you just find that things are already there Red: how do you handle outtakes for your paintings? Black: alright then digital outtakes Black: and an unlimited hard drive Red: as a good thing? a different thing? Black: a different thing - and a good thing Black: both Black: the point where you don't recognize something that is right in front of you is usually the place i like to be Red: hmm. then there might be a fine line of outtakes being something that's good, and unnecessary Black: but that may only last a moment Red: film editing involves outtakes being left on the cutting room floor, often scrapped and ignored by the editor... Black: i like to pick them up as drawings Red: but of course, gets revived years and years later as "bloopers" or "dvd extras" Black: i like to take those judged moments in life and unjudge them Black: just sort of set them free Red: perhaps outtakes in film are a tad different than outtakes in a painting. i don't know. there's a different drive there Black: might be - and the cost might be lower Red: yes Red: speaking of films... Black: it's the time of the big awards soon Red: this sunday i think? Black: black suits and shiny rocks Black: yes i think you're right Red: oh yes. the time of year where "artists" can pat themselves on their backs for a job well done Red: i don't know. i find a lot of that superficial Black: no need for awards? Red: but then again, who isn't? it's enjoyable to watch nonetheless Black: how do you reward yourself? Red: hmm. that's a great question Black: i heard it somewhere Red: honestly. if you create art, and it touches somebody, or stirs a feeling, or moves, or affects Red: shouldn't that be a reward in itself? Black: it is Black: its a very tangible reward that one Red: if your work of art makes you happy - who's to say it should be ranked? Black: every work of art is the only work of art at the moment it is being experienced Red: very nicely put Red: and very true Black: so this is the painting Black: and you're in it Red: excellent. and what a great moment it is Black: a moment can make you realize the potential of the moment Red: i can make us a trophy now, and we'll pat ourselves on the back for a job well done Red: every moment then would have potential. what a great thought Black: see someone could see this and say ... Black: i'm going to make a movie Black: another - i'm going to play violin Black: there's someone who just wants a new sandwich Red: would that be John Gotti? Black: a whipped up miracle movie Red: i heard somewhere that he said something in prison how all he wanted was a good sandwich Black: and how about you Red: i want a good and new sandwich. Black: this painting while open is also a prison of a kind Black: you break free of every moment Black: and enter a new one Red: hmm. paintings... i've always wondered something Black: a perpetual moment sandwich witches us Red: you're limited to a canvas size when you paint. how often do you think about that as you paint? Black: it good to have something you know will bounce the brush back Black: that's a confidence Black: the simple confidence of painting Black: you just know the canvas will catch the mark Red: so it's about the confidence then? i never thought of it that way Black: i think confidence is what happens when all thinking stops Black: when i think about it i've lost it Black: confidence is you and the sandwich alone in the prison cell Red: i think i need that. to stop all thinking Black: that's a good place to say cut Black: diagonal Red: great Red: director yells, "CUT!"


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Stomboli Love (of love and laundry)

kt's back for a little painting with love and laundry

Black: wha'ts on your mind tonight? Red: love and laundry Black: wow! nice Black: love and laundry Black: the two L words Red: yes besides lesbian Black: big love - big laundry? Red: ugh yes Black: well big love is good - but big laundry.. Red: i'm conflicted by them both Black: yup they're live's big ponder things Red: was that a sentence? Black: i think so Black: we can let it pass Red: fair enough Black: they're life's big 'ponder-things' Black: they're very ponderable Red: ah ha, i gotcha Black: so what's your plan? will you solve them both by midnight? Red: the laundry will probably be done by midnight Red: the love thing will eventually sizzle itself out i'm imagining Red: but certainly not by midnight Black: or sizzle up Black: love can do that too Red: i kind of hope it stops sizzling Black: it can be like hot bacon.. Black: or like cold toast Red: but i might not mean that Red: i destest both of those things Black: so maybe more like a morning health blender shake kind of thing Red: maybe more like Red: a stromboli Black: stromboli love Red: thats kind of bad but it's still good because you know Black: now that's .. Red: it's a stromboli Black: indeed Red: i have to go to the scary laundry room Red: i will be back Black: kt can this be a painting? Red: yesyes Black: it's the best painting all day Red: that makes me all kinds of smiley Black: stromboli love takes the cake Red: yes Black: or the stromboli


Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Red Beanie

limited edition artist toilet paper by heidi cody on ebay and red beanies make up the day. Krystyna here plays a very vibrant red.


Black: morning! Red: yay hi Black: krystyna if there was something you did that was really fun you'd just want to do it all the time right? Red: yup Red: where ya goin with this Black: i want to make the best saturday afternoon painting we can make right now Red: nice saturday morning Black: oh yes Black: let's start now how's that? Red: and i did yoga yesterday Red: so i feel so good Black: you did yoga nice Black: that's centered right? Red: had me a nice protein rich breakfast Black: the calm inner center Red: mmhmm Red: yeah and crazy stretching Red: concentrating on breathing Black: like a philadelphia pretzel? Red: its awesome you should try it sometime Black: see breathing is important Black: once i did pilates Black: well... speed pilates Red: those kida hurtr Black: we have some nice stuff already Red: yeah Black: let's see - yoga, pretzels... breakfast... Black: breathing.... Black: and a kida Red: im good with random shit Black: oh keep going then Red: k, well.... Red: i'm still wearing my red beanie Red: i put it on this morning when i took the dog out Red: and i cooked breakfast in it and everything Black: see now thats already a great portrait Red: and im still wearing it Black: it's not a bank president in a suit Black: nope. this is very different Red: haha Black: can the dog have a beanie too? Red: i dont have a beanie for the dog Black: you have lots of paintings in the great city of chicago right? Red: sure Black: how many of them have people in them? Black: probably something like over... 437 Red: yeah a lot Black: but my point is.. of all of those paintings of people in chicago.. Black: this is one of you - with you Black: if there's red right after i say this it's because you put it there Red: yayyyy. i wanna see! Black: we'll put this one on the tomblog before its finished so you can see! Black: it will need a title though Black: things get titles so that we can tell them apart from other things Red: preceisely Black: "The Red Beanie" Red: precisely Red: hehehe Red: yeah that works' Black: i like how imprecisely you first rendered that word Black: you made a new word Black: a new shape Black: hah Black: alright so because this is "The Red Beanie" we put only red things in here? Red: i switcharood it Red: nooo Black: lots of colors Red: you can put some other stuff in there Red: but red will be the MAIN focus Red: everything else will sort of compliment the red and draw the eye to it Black: i'm the high bidder so far today on a two pack of artist toilet paper on ebay! Red: haha Red: artist toilet paper? Black: oh no i shouldn't have said that - now i might not be Black: yes! Black: it's an edition of 250 i think Black: maybe 300 Black: and 1000 sheets Red: wow Red: nice Black: it has lots of ads on it Black: most of them are fake ads Black: it says some are real too Red: hehe Black: but the ink color is black Red: whats wrong with that Black: no i like it it will go nicely with your red beanie Black: black and red are nice together Red: yes they are Black: oh no - someone just bid! Black: i'm only ahead by 50 cent now Black: cents Black: Limited ed. manufactured Art Toilet Paper!!! Red: awww Black: so tell us all about your art Black: what do you like to make? Red: i like to play with words Black: oh nice! Black: my kind of art Red: i only draw or doodle every now and again Red: but i love playing with words Red: and i HAVE to do the crossword puzzle out of the red eye every morning Black: you start with a word... and then you add another word to it? Red: because i love words Red: well i like it in a prose Black: words dance! Red: i like to write blocks of words Red: sometimes they rhyme Black: handwriten or typed, computer or paper they're amazing things Red: sometimes they dont Black: time and rhyme rhyme Red: yeah... i loooove writing them.... but sometimes it comes out better when im typing Red: cuz my fingers just get to moving as im thinkin Black: im typing is nice because there are two Red: yeah i know! Black: now i know why we're friends Black: haha Black: putting words out like filling a pool with water Red: yes we have great conversation Red: hence your name Red: tomversations Red: you're good with em Black: i read once that conversations were like tennis games Black: and i loved reading that Black: you serve the ball....... Black: well in this case the red beanie Black: it's like playing tennis with a beanie Red: hahaha Red: wow Red: hey do you have any pictures? Black: sure - shall we close up our word painting first? Red: surely Black: oh no - now i'm outbid already Red: uh oh Black: it's more than doubled Black: haha Black: words are great.... lots of them are great too... but sometimes you want to bring it alll down to one word Black: what's that? Red: yeah its almost impossible to find one word though Red: theres so many things going on at once Red: thats its hard to capture them all up and bind them all together Black: yup that was nine and then eight Black: yes i think i know exactly what you mean Red: namaste Black: namaste


Friday, February 18, 2005

Hugs for the Human Soul

sometimes you say all with little. thanks to silver here for being red.

Black: silver let's make something importrait together Red: hi tom Black: hi silver Black: wow red hearts Red: yeah Black: that's importrait already Red: my whole desktop is like this Black: you must love love Red: im in love Black: that's wonderful Black: how can you tell? Black: this can be a love painting Red: tell what? Black: that you're in love Black: i mean someone looking at this painting right now - these words on a canvas - they might be in love and not recognize it Red: because its a wonderful feeling that is like no other Red: hmmm dunno. im not one of those ppl so cant speak for them Black: what might you say to them? Black: no let's forget about that Black: let's just make something here Black: we don't even know if anybody is out there anyway Red: does it matter? Black: that's the big question Black: but what does matter? Red: each person has their own take on it Black: i think talking matters Black: eating too Red: the matters that matter are the matters of the heart Black: so the heart and maybe the stomach Red: whichever "matters" most ;) Black: and i'm planning my next salon so marshall matters Red: okay Black: brussell sprouts - do they matter? Red: for kids that need iron yes, but not to me Black: have you seen those gates yet? Red: im going to this sun Red: did u like it Black: very much so Black: they hug you Black: they hug the human soul Red: well i will have to see for myself Black: but only go if you like having your soul hugged Red: i hug it everyday Black: nice Red: :-* Red: well have a goodnite Black: hugs for the human soul Black: and to you Black: say goodnight to our people out there in painting land Red: Goodnite everyone


Thursday, February 17, 2005

Sunday Someday

here's a little one about a state of mind on any day but sunday. thanks to kt -tom

Red: how are you tom!? Black: feel like making something Black: it's a good time - everybody else is sleeping Red: what kind of something Black: something nightlike - a night painting Red: theme? Black: something that people can be invited to see once they wake up Black: hmmm maybe mice Black: mice in the kitchen Red: nicce Black: nice like mice Red: nice like bryce mice Black: you have some red tonight i'm guessing Red: red?! Black: yes! Red: red red really? Black: really really red red Black: nice Black: so glad you can be here now Red: ahah right on Black: write on we will Black: how was love day? Red: but it is also soon bed time Black: yes this is a tiny tiny painting Red: so how much intersting things must i say? Black: like just small thoughts Red: well Red: i dont know Black: what's the smallest thing you can think of that would fit in a painting such as this? Red: i am afraid to order pizza on the pgone Red: small small thing? Black: yes you saw the little gina fish painting Red: yes Red: well Red: i dont know Black: marbles? Black: we could just roll some around and see if that makes a picture in someone's mind Red: wellweel Black: what could be more important than some marbles rolling around on a night like this Red: academic comfort for me Black: oh that's important Black: maybe like an academic massage Black: or an academic lounge chair Red: or motivation? Black: very important ingredient to so many things! Red: indeed so Black: what motivates you to do things? Red: nothing apparently Black: well that's alright because this time while its changing is right now the time when lots of people are sleeping Red: what is the response to that Black: that one was good Red: haha score Black: score has one core in it Red: i am so core Black: that was fun - got another sentence right there Black: you are Red: hahah Black: see this is why this is ......... how to make this really a portrait of who you are right now Red: i have to do this? Black: people are always changing Red: portray myself as i am right now? Black: well i think we're doing that right here in conversation Red: ohmy Black: it's late night -things are wrapping up Red: yeahyeah Black: and it's just a late night wrap up kind of thing Black: i mean we could pretend this is a sunday afternoon in the park painting but frankly its not Black: there's no park Black: and it's not sunday Black: unless of course it is sunday someday when someone is looking at this Red: nor afternoon Black: that too Black: sunday someday Black: how's that for a title? Red: perfect


Monday, February 14, 2005

All You Need is RapSnacks

a celebration of the finer things in life. special thanks to aria


Black: happy so called vday aria Black: :-) Red: hi tomversations Black: hello aria Red: I should buy valentines tomorrow Red: and hand them out to people Red: with my phone number Black: yes that could be fun Black: even more fun Red: I could get dates or something Black: dates are fun Red: or weirdos Black: not as much fun Black: unless you have knight's armour Red: I don't have that Black: then just go for the dates Red: how was your weekend Black: dates with gates Red: did you walk through the orange gates Black: you heard about the project in central park? Black: yes yes Black: wonderful experience Red: what do you think of it Red: how long did it take for christo to set it up Black: it's overwhelming Black: hmmm Black: well the whole project.... some 21 years Black: actually installation...... 2 weeks i believe Red: oh ok, that's not that long really Red: 21 years is pretty long though Black: but everything was fabricated in a big warehouse Red: yeah Black: yes yes indeed Black: i don't have any projects that even come close to 21 years Red: me neither Red: not conscious ones anyway Black: it's not like i say 'aria let's start planning a portrait of you.... and then 21 years later we'll make it' Black: ah yes Black: the sub though Black: hey aria let's make this tonight's post on the red and black blog Red: do I need to come up with some interesting and moving material? Black: i'm down - it's got it all - valentines, orange gates..... big projects Black: hmm yes Black: moving is good Black: are you moving? Red: nope Black: alright then we don't need moving Black: and interesting just really depends on someone being curious Black: so we have that already that is if we have a curious person out there in blogland Black: and probably we do Red: curiouser and curiouser Black: so i think we're set Black: what's your philosophy of life? Red: always say what you have to say Black: nice Red: do you have a life philosophy Black: tha't's good advice too Black: yes Black: be open Red: being open is good too Red: it could be a mantra Black: convenience stores also seem to follow that Black: and today is love day - what's love day mean to you? Black: what percentage of art would you say is about love? Red: I haven't really thought about valentine's day since elementary school Red: I really like the Valentine's Day aisle Red: I like the smell of the candy Red: 90% of art is about love Red: or love that caused pain/hate Black: maybe that's why there is so much love art Red: the other 10% is thomas kinkade Red: hee Black: you know that guy who made that sculpture that spelled love with 4 stacked letters? Black: i think that might have been about love Black: well good - happy to be in the other 90 percentile then Red: there was a guy on the grammys preshow from Big and Rich who had a love t-shirt on Black: big rich love Black: nice Red: and james brown said he loved everyone, of course Black: very generous of him Red: yeah, thanks james Black: but you know there are probably other like him Black: *others that is Red: james brown should have sang a duet with bjork Red: "all is full of love" Red: I would pledge tsunami aid to have that mp3 Black: someone posted on my big ongoing everybody painting on the website last week that everyday valentine song by ....... Black: hmmm who was it Black: everyday the 14th Red: I haven't heard that Red: Sam Cooke's "cupid" is sort of valentine dayesque Black: its good - it's about the real nature of a holiday Black: if we took a holiday.. Black: just one day to celebrate Black: you know just one day out of life Black: it would be.... it woud be so nice Red: ha Black: so yes this valentines everyday the 14th song basically says Black: that love is all around - and everyday could be the 14 Red: "all you need is love" Red: someone said that the shins reminded him of the beatles and he hates (with capital letters) the beatles Black: how do you hate the beatles? Red: how can someone hate the beatles? Red: I have no idea Black: why wear gloves with them? Black: you have to get in there - they show you how Red: give them dirty looks Black: pull away the g from the l Black: it's all about love g Red: and the special sauce Black: ringo? Black: - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - -- Black: nice Red: ! Black: ringo as the last word. we end it with an unanswered question Red: excellent Red: Black: yes! hahah Black: oh man Black: would i like my rap wrapped in sour cream n' onion or red hot riplets? Red: make it red hot Black: this red and black blogpost brought to you by rap snacks Red: for valentine's day Black: rap snacks - for valentines day Black:


Thursday, February 10, 2005

Spy Vs Sation

tonight's fast painting.. it's all here. thanks to brittany from Chicago. -tom

Black: alright brittany Black: let's see some red and black Red: whats up Black: let's make something Red: sure Black: starting now Black: hi Red: hi Red: how have you been Red: its been some time Black: i've been good Black: yes it has been Black: although it seems to have gone quickly Black: time flies by Red: yes Red: i am in a current world win Black: that's a nice red - brighter than usual Black: you're winning the world? Red: i have been doing a billion things Red: i currently have 3 jobs Black: wow that's a lot of jobs Red: and yet it still isnt enough to pay the bills Red: and i still go to school Black: what's the biggest bill? Red: appartment Black: yes they cost a lot Red: as a result im trying to get a modeling contract Red: though i hate modeling Red: it is sooo aquward Black: standing there Red: id much rather be behind the camera Black: well you're my model here for this - how is it different? Red: because i can make funny faces Black: in magazines or here? Red: and your not a creep Red: on here Red: i hate my smile Black: nice make one now Red: i am Black: so this is brittany smiling Black: everybody can you see? she's smiling Red: <- stupid smile Black: how many smiles have you ? Red: too many Red: but they all suck Red: haha Red: though modeling on this isnt not a joy either due to the fact that im dyslexic Black: alright so this - how oh Red: and im sure i am miss spelling Black: little miss spelling Black: not aaron's daughter though Black: speeling is overrelated Red: i feel bad though Black: bad is a feeling Black: sure Red: im insecure Black: but why? Black: and about what? Red: because i feel like i am a fairly smart person Black: you strike me as such Red: yet i can not convay the messages i would like Red: due to the fact that i cant spell the words in my vocabulary Black: because of the dialic - well that's common Black: i mean even late at night - lots of people get that Red: their for i sound dumb even though if you were to have an acctual conversation with me i feel it would be a diffrent conversation Black: but one of my great heroes is dyslexic Black: take that last thing you said for instance Red: many briliant people are dyslexic Red: i find that it makes me fairly creative Black: i challenge one person to say that they didn't comprehend what you meant Red: and grow board of anolog thinking Black: i can fake it i suppose Black: you see something so quickly you just act on it Black: then you're surprised Black: you realize you've created something new Red: how so Black: it's like drawing Black: you don't think before hand Black: it's the thinking of drawing itself Black: the rules then break down Red: indeed Black: i thinsk that's like a dyslexic person - how it might go Red: but when i create something i never think Black: thinking is for later Red: inhabition is the wall between me and art Black: not now Black: this is paintg Red: no not now at all Black: or as close to it as we could possibly get at this point in time Black: that's the wall to break down Red: yes but i would like to do a painting with you Black: or better - let it dissolve Black: we are Red: bring some of your art to chicago Black: i'd love to do a show there Red: chicago rules Black: one of my favorite paitnings is at the art institute of chicago Red: what would that be Black: excavation Black: by de kooning Black: he nailed it with taht one Black: do you know the painting? Red: yeah Black: it's space broken up Red: i love the art institute Black: re-arranged by him Red: tuesdays are free Black: tuesday are great Red: i go to school all day tuesdays now Black: so when you're modeling what do you think about? Red: it isnt any goood Red: music Black: making it? Red: no Black: well i suppose listening is making Red: i rockout in my head Black: you have to imagine it in your head Black: yes Red: dance a little bit Black: so you're the band Red: haha Red: not quite Red: but sing along Black: does that camera catch that? Red: im sure Black: the real subject of a photo then...... Black: energy? Red: clothing Black: oh fashion Red: i am just another face Red: yeah Red: what ever cloths i am sporting is the point of the pictures Black: but almost every designer and ....... they all talk about the energy of the girl Red: i am not what is important Red: well you know me Red: im energy Black: but you're important here Red: im crazy Black: yes energy is important Red: no Red: when modeling it is boring Black: so then calm Black: there that' s a painting Black: it's a messy one - one with energy Black: what should we call it? Black: i find myself liking to work fast these days Red: spy vs sation Red: spysation Black: that first one is brilliant Black: because you say vs as versus Black: you get an r in there Black: spy vs sation it is