
let me think about this question - i'll write back soon

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Betty Fishing Painting

today it's all about fishing- casting out a new line. cheers to betty


Black: just make your type red and we'll give it a shot Red: ooh ok Red: ok Black: nice Black: so that's all there is to it Black: now when you say something people will know its red talking Black: so say anything and you'll get the idea Red: hmm Red: let me see Red: i don;t know what to say now Black: perfect Black: i think conversation is something like tennis Black: just tossing the ball back and forth Red: so very true Red: so you put th is on canvas? Black: so it doesn't even really matter that much what is said Black: yes if you want Black: this is like a simple free holiday weekend painting Red: I iwsh I had a free weekend Black: but actually the best ones are when they just happen Black: ah that's right you're working right? Red: yeah Black: so what do you think -make this about work? Black: or more fun things Black: well unless work is fun Black: not that i'm mary poppins or anything Red: work is not fun Red: I hate it actually Red: it's one of the only things in life i axtually do hate Black: what would you rather be doing right now? Black: you know like those 'i'd rather be doing...' stickers Black: what would yours say Red: I;d rather be fishing Black: wow really! Black: nice Black: i have to do that with my dad soon Black: it's been on my calendar Red: hmm Red: I want to soo bad Black: what would the bait be if you were fishing right now? Red: I haven't been fishing in a while Red: worms of course Black: it's very relaxing Black: see we always used squid Black: you get out there at 5am and you're setting up just as the sun rises Black: are you a standup fisher or a sit down fisher? Red: sit down Black: what would it take to get you fishing right now? Black: seems like a good way to spend a saturday to me Black: Black: nice! maybe she's gone fishing Red: I wish i could elave work Black: oh Black: damn and here i thought.. Red: haha Black: haha Black: that would have been the perfect little painting Black: tom talks to betty about fishing. betty makes a break for the boat and in no time she's pulling in a big one. Black: hah Red: lovely Black: perfect picture Black: haha nice Red: I know Red: wonerful Black: i like it - how big should that painting be you think? Black: i think its a small one Black: the kind you can carry around with you Red: yes Red: very small Red: you can put it in a purse Black: i like Black: paintings don't have to be just for museums Red: me too Black: no ticket required Red: yay!!!


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Spill (with Winnie)

maybe i'll write more here later. but for now the text for tonight's painting is here. winnie is red.


Black: my friend steve said i should make a painting tonight about a story i told him Black: so taking his advice - feel like playing? Red: sure Black: nice! Black: see you in red Red: what's on your mind Black: ladies! Red: ladies eh? Red: what about them? Black: oh their niceness and loveliness mostly Red: girls are nice Black: did i spell loveliness right? Black: yes indeed Red: i think so Red: hair and skin... Red: giggles Red: pretty mouths Black: ah yes! Black: eyes too Red: mmhmm Red: pretty eyes Black: knees Red: sometimes innocent and flirty Red: sometimes angry or sad Black: yes i saw many nice eyes tonight Red: excellent? Red: all different colors? Black: yes! Red: yay! Black: many different colors of hair Black: and many different colors of eyes too Red: rainbows pretty Black: lips mostly red - in the red family Black: but all very different Black: rainbow girls! Red: my lips are pink Black: bonita Red: i like red lips Red: but it looks harsh on me Red: so i stick with pink Red: pouty Black: pink pouty lips Black: yes yes that's nice Black: in telling our story we're also - this is a portrait of you Black: so how was your day? Red: my day was ok i guess Red: i went on a below average date though Red: it was someone i met off nerve Black: a connection not there Red: i hadn't met anyone off there in a long time Red: no connection Red: and then he kissed me Red: he did the pointy darting thing Black: chemistry? Black: oh no Black: that answers that Red: and i was horrified Red: and wanted to run away Red: but i wore heels Black: ah - how could you have known it would be a sneaker date Red: yes Black: women and men - i like how they go together Red: i left my flip flops in the office Red: it is nice Black: flip flop date? Black: or just a flop date? Red: our heads always somehow fit very well in the crook of a man's neck Red: flop Red: i love my flip flops though Red: they are maroon colored Black: my lovely girlfriend just paid me the highest compliment tonight on the phone Red: ooh Red: what did she say? Red: doesn't it just make everything seem better and sweeter when you hear your love say wonderful things to you? Black: she said that i was a man who truly loved and understood women Black: yes it did Black: it really did Black: that's a big thing to say Red: that's awesome Red: yay for you Black: it was in the context of her talking about a friend of a friend who might be breaking up with his girlfriend Red: and your girlfriend Red: ah Black: the couple does work well Black: and she contrasted that man in that couple with me Black: so i'm happy - hearing that increased my happiness Red: yay Black: good for painters of people to love women Black: i mean most people are women ya? Red: i was just thinking to myself after getting on the train that i have yet to meet someone that truly understands and embraces me Red: yes Red: women outnumber men Black: the you - you or the more general you Red: either or Black: ah Black: good i 'm glad you got that Black: hah i almost didn't looking at it after i typed it Red: hehehehe Red: silly Red: you crack me up Black: thanks Black: alright then. that's my job Red: but you are one of the sweetest most generous people i have talked to Black: this is a portrait that portrays you being you Red: excellent Black: my story can wait Black: the focus is you Black: you being you Red: can you give me a tidbit of your story at least? Black: the youness of you Red: meness Black: oh - sure Red: =) Black: i went to the woman musuem and found myself caught in the beats and the lights and surrounding by the some of most lovely creatures the planet has Black: ok now back to you Black: :-) Black: oops that's 'surrounded' Black: not surrounding Red: oh wow Black: if i remember i'll change that before people who see this see it Red: woman museum Red: incredible Red: i want to see Black: the woman museum or the painting? Red: both! Black: nice! Black: well the best i can do here is to paint a word picture of them for you Red: hehe Red: that will suffice Black: both the painting that we're making and the woman museum Red: =) Black: the painting that we're making we're making because my good friend steve suggested i make a painting tonight about the story in the woman museum Black: and the woman museum is a kind of mysterious place Red: what kind of exhibits do they have? Black: the woman museum is just my word for what some might call a strip club Red: hahahahahahaha Red: i like that Red: i've only been to one strip club Black: i popped into the one in my neighborhood after steve and had our last meeting today Red: did you get a lap dance? Black: yes Red: fun Black: and a nose kiss too Red: nice Black: you know like . touching noses Red: i was not impressed by the exhibits at the one woman museum i went to Red: it was in a small college town. Red: the girl dancing was missing a lot of teeth Black: oops Black: were they at her feet? Red: yes Black: haha Red: hehehe Black: they're curious places Red: and then people started handing my friend and i singles to strip Red: and we just laughed and made the wise decision to leave mulletland Black: haha Black: well i too left tonight after my second drink Red: had enough? Black: well halfway through my second drink as we'll see Black: you know when you're in a groove? Black: a good groove Black: a life groove Black: that's you know.. like making something Black: a painting.. a drawing.. a cake Black: love Black: that kind of thing Black: you know those grooves right? Red: yes Red: yes i do Black: nice Black: well that where i found myself all day today Red: woooo Red: were you dancing a little bit all day? Black: i get to work doing creative things with my best friend - really like a brother.... but once i asked my mom if she remembered giving birth to him and she said no Red: hahaha Black: but still - he's a brother Black: brother steve Red: that's a relationship to cherish Black: indeed i do Red: the ones that were not throw together with you because of your parents procreating Red: not that actual siblings are not precious Red: hehe Black: yes i hear you Black: so the whole day we got to talk about some really good ideas with the people who can make them happen Black: so that was good Red: yay Red: that is exciting Black: on my way home as i got off the subway i decided to have a drink - a private celebration Black: a toast Red: awesome ideas coming into fruition Red: yay Black: yes -thanks Red: well, i regret having to say this Black: the place to get a refreshing drink is the woman museum Red: but it is time for me to retire Black: oh no Red: need to wake up in about 6 hours Red: thank you for thinking of me though for your paintings Black: alas we don't get to hear about the angry bar tender who crumpled up all my drawings and toss them angrily into the trash Red: and sharing all the exciting things in your life Black: another painting then i'll tell you that Red: *gasp* Red: ok Black: that's when i left Red: my goodness Red: not a friendly man Black: but not before turning over my beer first in stern protest to her nastiness Red: i'm sorry that happened Red: ack Black: no - this was a woman Red: oh Red: not very ladylike Black: i was surrounded by women - drawing one's eyes Black: a beautiful moment Black: and then -------- gone Black: all the drawings into the trash Red: that is unfortunate Red: she doesn't get it Black: no Black: but i do Red: a bad day/mood does not entitle you to violate someone and destroy what belongs to them Red: yes Black: and i'm glad i have a place to share that Red: there will be more for you Black: i still have the drawings Red: yes Black: i asked her to please get them out of the trash for me Black: she did Black: but again - said 'there? they're trash' Black: i took them and that's when i turned the beer over, grabbed my bag and left Black: now the woman museum is in me Black: :-) Black: alright winnnie - i know you have to run Black: my pleasure talking with you tonight Red: hehe Red: no, mine Red: really Red: you are one of my favorite discoveries Black: say goodnight to all the people in painting/ blog land Red: nanight everyone Black: i do appreciate that Red: *kisses* Black: i'm sure they're all waving back Red: hehe Black: oh! Black: nice Red: goodnight tom Black: namaste winnie


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Everybody's Business

Those sock totals are still coming in but this painting is not about socks - it's all about business


Black: lindy! Red: tom! Red: I am liking business Red: mostly because I'm good at it Black: can we make a good at business painting ? Black: i'd love to do that Red: Sure Red: I'll try to make it as business-y as a painting can get Black: that would be great Black: is great business all business all the time would you say? Red: Everything in it's own way is business, even though it may not be perceived that way Red: like our exchanges Red: our conversation is a product Black: wow Red: and we are paying online services to have this conversation Black: alright lets do some red Red: and are exchanging the services of conversation with one another Red: Better? Black: oh yes much Black: commerce Black: that's a word with quite a few meanings i'm told Red: yes, and there are a lot of different types Black: it means of course, buying and selling Black: but also it can mean intellectual exchange Black: social interaction too Red: yes, well it all depends on a product Red: and a product can be anything Red: tangible or intangible Black: when i did my word drawings on ebay a few years ago i was playing with that idea Black: an idea? Red: yes Red: look at writers Black: the BIG BLUE THING idea Red: they are paid for their ideas Black: what's your favorite kind of business? Red: or services as well, that is intangible Red: hmm, that's hard to say Red: I think I enjoy marketing or sales rather Red: because I can talk to people and can create Black: yeah! that's fun Black: steve and i do that Black: we come up with great ideas and then find companies to sell into them Red: I think doing that is a lot of fun Red: if I knew I could make a definite living off of it, I'd probably want to be a writer instead Black: i agree Black: writing is fun but can it beat painting? Black: i mean painting... you get your brush.. sort of... Black: and make shapes! lines! Black: blur things together Red: I love painting, but I don't think I could do it all of the time Red: I would feel frustrated after a while Black: too much turpentine? Black: your uncle did that alot but with acrylics mostly right? Red: hahaha, no. When I draw, I only feel like it when I have something in mind Red: I believe so, I'm not familiar with all of his mediums Black: i like what he said about 'business art' Black: i think that was right on target in a lot of ways Red: He was very on point. Black: its an exciting world in which to create business now Black: what excites you most would you say? Red: There is a lot going on. Red: I like the idea of being able to do business in foreign countries. Red: That is actually my specialization. I'm focusing on Japan and eastern Asia. Black: wow -big markets there Red: A lot of area to cover. Black: i just said goodnight to a friend who is in advertising in beijing Black: it's midnight there now Red: I would love to go to Beijing someday. Red: Though I am rather excited to go to Tokyo next year. Black: nice Black: a beautiful city Black: the art of business - for you how do you see that? Red: I think the whole country is beautiful. Red: Hmm... Red: I think business is one of those arts that just comes naturally. Red: You get to create in your own way. Black: with an idea writen down? Black: a phone call? Black: a gesture? Red: A conversation, a sale, a merger. Red: They all create things. Black: yes - in each... new ways of looking at that which was already there Black: i like that Red: Business lies on a matrix of relationships basically. It's an interesting structure. Black: like a social sculpture would you say? Red: Yes, like that. Black: its an organizing principle Black: in some cases, an organizing principal Black: in my company we actually have two of them Black: it's fun Red: That's pretty neat. Black: what is marketing. how do you see that concept? Black: it's a fuzzy word for lots of people Red: Whether they know it or not, everyone markets. Black: oh - interesting Red: We market by what clothes we wear, what music we listen to, where we spend our free time. Red: It all gives off an image of some sort. Black: that creates us yes Red: Or when you try to make friends, that is essentially you marketing yourself. Black: wow Black: mating - tha's marketing for sure Black: that's all about mergers Black: but a shared cup of coffee - that's a merger too Red: hahahaha! That is funny. Red: It's a mix of that and networking. Black: i like the term netplaying Black: makes it more fun for me Red: netplaying... I like it! Black: today we're getting people exciting about a very interesting business idea Red: Is that so? Black: steve and i talked with justin rockefeller at a friend's bday party Black: he's on the board of a not for profit called 'generation engage' Red: What do they do? Black: they're going to make it possible for good communicators to make a living simply by doing their part toward mainting a good sense of civic awareness Black: not just voting during election time..... but ongoing Black: community, friends, peers Red: That is something that really needs to be done. It seems the only time any regular person wants to talk politics is around the presidential election. Black: yes exactly Black: and then its p diddy says do this Black: its not coming from the richness of the people - it's coming from somewhere else Black: so i really like that about their approach Red: Very interesting. Black: lindy its a beautiful day Black: what are you doing to do today? Red: I'm meeting a friend for lunch, then driving home and taking a nap. Black: nice! Black: that would be a great idea for a business Black: nap hotels Red: I should start a business at school for commuters. A napping station. Black: haha nice Red: So we don't have to sleep in the hallway on benches. Black: lindy always a pleasure having you in a painting Black: best in life and business to you! Red: Glad to help. I hope it was business-y enough for you. Black: yes - in fact this is the bottom line - and it's all yours: Red: It was fun doing this, but I've gotta go to lunch with an associate.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Amys Garden: Towards A More Accurate Socks-Per-Person Count

This one started out being about gardens before switching gears and going with socks as subject matter. just the same its real aim is 100% pure conversational styling. thanks to amy for the laundry run.
Ashley appears to be in the lead with over 2 pairs of socks purchased monthly.
Silver trails with a more modest 17.5 pairs to her name as of this date.


Black: it's like ................ i'm a half flat balloon today Red: i feel like dancing. Black: can dancing help regain full soaring balloon-like capabilities? Red: maybe! Red: i would hope so! Black: i spent the last few hours in bed reading a copy of al franken's lies and the lying liars who tell them' Black: very funny Red: hehe Black: and it kind of made me want to come back to my senses a bit Black: --were it not for the still annoying headache Black: but annoying headaches don't last. that amy we know to be true Red: haha yes it needs to go away soon! Black: i don't have any j lo to lay the headache low right now but if i did this headache would be history Red: hehe Red: hows the weather over there now? Black: rainy tonight i hear Black: but not yet Red: ugh same here Black: i'm supposed to head over to amy's to water her garden if it doesn't rain Red: awww Black: :-) what? Red: i dunno. thats cute. Black: :-) Black: well amy loves her garden and i love amy so i think its one of those......... syllogism things right Red: !!!! Black: besides i love amy's garden as well Red: hahahahah <3 Black: hahah Red: i love my garden as welll Black: you've just made 20% of my headache dissappear Black: nice! Black: another 5% Red: yayyyy Black: amy siezed by inspiration i am Red: are ya? Black: are you ready for the title? Red: yes! Black: "Amy's Garden" Black: or better still: "Amys Garden" Black: i feel siezed by a desire to make an amy painting Black: how about you? Red: sure! Red: it might not be too good though, my headache is bugggging me Red: it might be a little silly and off the wall though? Black: nice let me open up the window wide to let all the good words in Black: that's the kind i like Black: how about this - i'll make some edamame real quick and pour a glass of water and then we can begin Black: let's see if your red works first Black: i'm black - 'testing..... testing....... this is a test of the color black' Red: yayyy Black: nice - now on to microwave edamame Red: whats edamame? Black: back in under 4 minutes for our amys garden painting extravaganza Red: k! Black: oh its..... a japanese soy bean thing Red: ohh haha i should know that.. Red: im ASIAN. Black: hehe Black: we're all asian when we enjoy edamame! Red: soy bean is goood Black: yes - the beans are still in the pods - you bite into one end and then suck the beans out Black: they're usually served steamed Red: ohhh! Red: eaten those! Black: steaming would be the better word Black: ya! Red: hey brb tom! Black: see you in a few amy! Black: i'm listening to jamaican music amy ! Black: headache's lifting Red: hahaha Black: the aim of this our painting will be to relieve you of your headache Black: and me of mine Red: okay! Black: so put on some of your favorite happy music to start Red: hey tom, ugh im sorry to interrupt again, i have to hang laundry up before i pass out hah Red: brb Black: ah no - not a problem Black: everybody amy will be right back she's gone to hand up some laundry Black: while she's gone i'll be hearing eating edamame and listening to jamaican music from my friend paul Black: sometimes you realize all you really need is some good jamaican music and a hot steaming bowl of edamame Black: tonight would be one of those nights Black: i'll bet amy's hanging her socks right now at about this point..... Black: care must be taken in doing laundry to keep pairs of socks together Black: i myself have experienced the plight of having mis-matched pairs every now and then.... Black: more recently i feel i've solved that problem by buying lots of pairs of the same kind of sock Black: on the subject of microwave edamame Black: sometimes they sell frozen edamame that has been shelled Black: what this means is that the shells (pods) if you will - have all been removed - leaving only the beans themselves Black: this scheme will be familiar to those of you out there who have enjoyed shell-less sunflower seeds from time to time Black: i'm wondering as i'm sure you are how many pairs of socks amy might have........ Black: let me ask around and see if we can come up with an average number of socks statistic per sock owner Black: silver owns 17 and a half pairs - not including hosiery she tell me Black: 17.5 - that would be the decimal equivalent Red: haha okay im done.. Black: nice! Black: ashley owns 30 pairs of socks! Red: i own sooo many pairs of underwear and socks. Red: i can beat that. Black: that's almost double the holdings of silver! Red: i used to be a manic underwear consumer Black: it has since subsided somewhat would you say? Red: yes i have no money haha Black: alright now we're back Black: haha Black: time to close our sock drawers and tend to our gardens Red: yes! Black: amys garden to be specific about it Red: mos definitely Black: amy in painting a picture with words with you tonight i want to break it all down for people Black: you're amy and i'm tom Red: okay! Black: you live in one part of the united states and i in another Red: uh huh.. Black: you're asian by birth but agree with me that when we enjoy hot steaming edamame we all share in asianess Red: hahah of course Black: what are the vital things in your garden? Black: what things do you water? Red: in my garden there are lots of naps! and pullout mats. Red: i dont water those though. Black: mats and naps Red: mango trees! Black: ah! Black: that's where we started i think! Red: if they grow on trees? Black: nice Black: our do yes Black: if we allow that mangos grow on trees we can go anywhere Red: go anywhere including new zealand? Black: yes! Red: i wonder if mangoes grow in new zealand Black: wait so how many pairs do you currently own? Black: where man goes so mangoes Red: i own about 3 dozen pairs of mangoes. Black: haha Black: well now we're where we want to be Black: somewhere in a fresh mango salad Red: theres too many though. Red: ohhh Black: a mango sock salad Red: hahaha Red: if theres gonna be socks in my mango salad, i hope theyre smelling laundry clean Black: i always have difficulty classifying my paintings Red: why? Black: is it a mango painting - is it a sock painting? Black: is it an amy painting? Black: is it an amys garden painting? Black: it is just about red and black? Black: maybe they're just square Black: hah Red: wellll. it can be a painting about amys mango garden in her sock. Black: brilliant! Red: i own many pairs of socks, hence i would probably be producing a lot of mangoes. Black: where you surprised as the results of tonights poll started coming in? Black: ashley said, and i quote "i like new sox so i just keep buying them" Black: she buys over 2 pairs a month which would most certainly put her in the lead Red: hahaha Red: maybe she has me beat! Black: what if we put all our socks together!? Black: we could make a sculpture Red: no! that would be HORRIBLE! Red: you know how nuts i would go if i found my socks joined along with someone elses socks?? Black: a tall mountain! a towerering tower of socks Black: ah yes good point Red: i think i would go crazy. i have to have ALL my pairs of socks joined together. Red: or ill spend forever trying to look for the missing sock. Black: yes indeed - i've been there as i've shared with our viewers while you were away earlier Black: and buying all the same kind and throwing out the old pairs definitely helped my sock disarray Black: and silver with 17 and half pairs Black: that could really help her as well i would think Red: i only throw away the ones with holes in them. Red: those are distracting. Black: yes sometimes toes can pop out when you least expect them too Red: haha EXACTLY Black: i agree there Black: i'm excited - after meeting justin rockefeller at a friend's birthday party we did a conf call with the director of an organization he's on the board of Black: they're called 'generation engage' Red: what do they do? Black: and their whole thing is to make it possible for people to earn a living just by talking to their friends and neighbors - keeping a healthy civic sense alive and well Black: steve and i are going to be helping them spread the word Black: they're starting in north carolina and virginia and they're hosting a fundraiser here in nyc next month Black: its not about celebrities it's about peers Black: i really like it! Red: ohhh im sure they will make a lot of money! Black: indeed good stuff for the garden Black: i've been making lots of drawings in my sketchbook! Black: just letting the pencil dance you know Black: people, faces, amys, lines, shapes Red: i am horrible at drawing, tom i am not good at anything! Black: do you draw? Black: amy! Red: haha i dont draw Black: well because this is a painting we we're both here lets. Black: i'll give you a quick drawing lesson Black: what conclusions would you like to draw? Red: any! and all? Black: nice Black: the secret in drawing is not to draw the thing itself.. Black: you just refocus and draw the space around and in between what your subject is Black: works great for painting as well Black: we haven't had a single word of description of you here and yet you're here Red: i know im around everywhere, i like to be quietly known!


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pistachio Pistachio (Winnie)

This one is about a breeze coming through a window out in chicago one night.

Black: how this night in chicago? Red: it's nice Red: mild Red: very quiet Black: i just looked at that word - mild Black: and i just saw it differently Red: =) Black: i saw how the m could turn upside down Black: and become a w Red: yup Black: from mild to wild Red: and they're quite opposite Black: yes very Black: but related Red: mhmm Black: i like Red: yay Red: so how's life? Black: fun! Red: yay! Black: just came back from a friend's birthday party tonight Black: it was at a new bar in midtown Black: a good mix of people there Black: people meeting other people....... Red: cool Black: people flirting with people Red: even better Black: a peopley people night Red: sounds like fun Black: ran into a friend who's an illustrator Black: good conversation with him Black: and another friend she's dating an american idol Red: wha??? Red: an american idol Black: and they had little cupcakes Red: cupcakes good Black: yes the one with the long hair and he's tall Black: really tall Red: i don't remember Red: which season was he on Black: not sure - i'm still without tv Red: everyone i remember from american idol seems cheesy Black: but people there told me Black: i want to play Black: let's make something fun Black: when was the last time? Black: oh that phone one hahaha Red: yes Red: hahahaha Red: our failed attempt Black: i still have those clips on my desktop Red: hehe Black: no they're still nice Black: ripples! Red: yes! Red: you remember! yay! Black: they're just very short ripples that's all Red: yes Black: when i listen to that i smile Black: i need some red winnie now Red: okie Red: better? Black: ah so nice Red: i like this more Red: okie Black: yes bolder Black: stronger Red: mmhmm Red: make em notice Black: a totally new painting Red: yes! Black: i've done jeeeeez i don't know how many Black: but each one is new Red: many many over the years Black: each one is really the first Red: well yes Red: it's never the same Red: so it's always the first Black: it's like a zen clearing of the head thing Red: hehe Black: i'm here Red: i need to open the window Red: the air is not circulating Red: i love the initial whoosh type feeling Black: now if we can get the air from your open window here that would be a good painting Red: yes Black: and the viewer Red: refreshingly cool Black: if they could feel your breeze - well then that's all we need Red: whoosh! Red: that word makes me think about running past people with a cape on too. Black: a flying flapping cape? Red: yes! Red: but one made of a silky kind of material Red: very light and thin, but opaque...and bulletproof Black: shimmery? Red: yes! Black: i like! Black: there was a woman at the party tonight named anne and she made hand knitted ......... boas Black: she had on a pink one and she said she would make me one for my next salon Black: red though Red: ooooh Red: are they yummy and soft boas? Black: yes! Black: very Black: it danced around her neck Red: oh i like and i want Red: once you get it please show me Black: i will i will Red: yayness Black: and then it will be as if you were at the party Black: nice Red: yes Black: that's the kind of party that you just want to open up Black: make it bigger and bigger Red: the far away guest of the party Black: it was a birthday for one person but then also more Red: mucho people Black: many little parties making up a big growing party Red: yes Black: a party life form Red: conversations swirling around Red: and building Red: and interchanging Red: abuzz with activity Black: yes and flowing too Black: to watch it from the ceiling would be great Red: yeah Black: some people over there talking and then ones moves over to get a drink and winds up talking to two new people Red: i can't wait til it's super warm and there are rooftop parties at night Black: and then - well y ou know how it goes Red: mmhmm Black: boas! Black: those are great Black: what will you wear to the first one? Red: hmmmm Red: probably something light and casual Red: for those sticky summer nights Black: blue? Red: mebbe Black: or light green? Black: how about red? Red: a summer dress and flip flops most likely Black: nice Red: i have dresses in all of those colors Red: mmhmm Red: comfy Black: and hten people will come over and start talking Black: oh what about a conversation piece? Black: people like talking about those Red: true Red: people don't wear conversation piece type clothes in chicago as much though i don't think Red: i have a dress that almost matches the color of my skin Black: nice! Red: that is usually a good conversation piece Black: i'm making nudes now! Red: it's very comfy Red: hehe Black: just in the last month Red: nice Black: alright so what 's this painting going to have Red: do you ever throw parties of your own? Black: yes! Red: this painting is going to have....lots of little bits of things Red: like confetti Red: whoosh! Black: we just did my ninth salon at the chelea and after we did a big party in the ballroom Red: awesome Black: chelsea that is Black: a fun night Red: the last really big party we threw here was over the summer Red: otherwise it's usually just dinner parties Red: those are nice too Black: those are the best Red: lots of yummy food and wine Black: and that's what's fun about the salons - they're small just 18 people max - and then after it open up to become a big party Red: ah Black: hummus? Red: yes we have served that Black: heres a quick peek Black: Red: lamb Red: okie Black: that's me and my portrait guest lizz winstead Red: i see! Red: exciting Black: i like good nights Black: this is one too Black: a good good one Red: it feels good Black: i'm in a painting with winnie from chicago Red: the cool air feels good Red: yes! Black: i can feel it Red: in the middle of the country Black: my friend nadia - we were talking on im... Black: a couple of nights ago Red: uh huh... Black: and she just - it was just about hello Black: and hi Black: hello Red: allo Black: then hi! Black: it was reallly nice Red: that sounds fun Red: and so friendly! Black: it didn't start out as a painting but i though it wanted to be one Black: yes very! Black: hello! Black: hi! Red: allo! Black: hiya! Black: hi! Red: hey! Black: hi there! Red: my friends like to say holla! Black: and we decided that's all you need Red: but i don't say that Red: hehe Black: holla winnie hi Red: hahahaha Black: i talked with justin aldrich rockefeller tonight too about what he's doing Red: hihihi Black: he's on the board of generation engage Black: it's all about - hi! Black: well engaging people Red: hehe Black: so at first i thought he was like a match maker or something Black: but it about energizing and engaging the youth vote Red: maybe sometimes he is Red: ah Black: but who knows - yes! Black: exactly Red: mmhmm Black: like what if two people go into the same voting booth together by accident Red: ooh Red: voting booths are small Black: see that's a match made in democracy right there Red: haha Red: when i was little Black: fun! Red: i would go into the voting booth with my mama Black: and watch her flip the switches - and pull the levers? Red: no Red: i would tell her who to vote for Black: that -oh Black: ah! Black: and who would you pick? Black: the good guys or the bad? Red: good Red: i even voted for dukakis Black: at what age? Red: hmmm Red: that was 88? Red: i was 8 Black: a little winnie Red: yup 8 Red: very little Black: and how old are you now again? Red: 24 Red: i was born in 80 Red: i'll be 25 in july Red: big girl Black: yes! Black: alright so this is a big girl painting too Red: yes Black: we'll have to add that in Black: big girl Red: but i don't like to act or dress like a big girl really Black: hello big girl! Red: i like to wear t-shirts and flip flops Red: hello sir! Black: do big girls call people sir? Red: i think so Black: yes i guess they can do whatever they want Red: yes! Black: there are big girl things Red: no one's the boss of me! Black: and then there are little girl things Red: except for my boss Red: yes Black: yes just him Black: let's imagine that these words - this painting Black: is a dress Black: a clear dress with just red and black words on it Red: a strappy one Black: and that's what you're wearing at the rooftop party Black: the first one of the summer Red: ooh Red: okie Red: people will come up to me Red: and dress Black: this is like talking to all those people who you'll - yes Red: and i will say. why thank you. Black: oh we should put more hi 's in it then Black: hi hello hiya hi hi hello Red: yes!!! Black: two hellos per person! Black: just in case they didn't hear or see the first one Red: yes! Black: do you think they vote? Red: maybe my dress will say hello too Black: hello people! Red: yes! Black: Black: tha's justin's site Red: cool Black: i like the part about stimulating a vigourous exchange of ideas Red: vigorous Red: like atoms bouncing off each other Black: that definately needs to be on your imaginary dress Black: atom and awinnies Red: how would we show that? Red: hehehe Black: oops i just misspelled vigorous Black: that's what happens when you're vigorously typeing Black: things get all misspelled Red: yes! Red: vigorous rigamortus Black: to vigor! Red: yarr! Black: viva la vigor Red: hehe Black: imaginary dresses are fun Red: yes Red: i'm smarter than the emperor though Black: its a break from flat square paintings all the time Black: what do your new clothes say? Red: allo in the front Red: and watch my atoms in back Black: haha Red: hehehe Black: alright and now let's just smush some paint around here at the bottom Black: you know like a big tube of color Red: yes! Red: i love doing that Red: but with the pearly paints Red: i like to swirl them around Black: no time to squeeze tubes we have to jump on them Black: my robbie myers painting i did with some sparkles! Black: just a few Red: ooh! Black: you only see them from certain angles Red: i like sparkles Black: little hints of blueish light Black: alright this part is your shout out space Red: hmmm... Black: its for all those people that you want to say stuff too Red: shout out to...people who keep the elevator door open for people instead of pretending not to see me Black: yes to them! Red: people who flush twice after pooping so there are no surprises Red: my sister Black: yes to courteous people around the globe! Red: si! Black: to sisters! Red: and to people who pack ben and jerry's ice cream Black: what's your favorite flavor? Red: pistachio pistachio Black: namaste