Those sock totals are still coming in but this painting is not about socks - it's all about business
Black: lindy! Red: tom! Red: I am liking business Red: mostly because I'm good at it Black: can we make a good at business painting ? Black: i'd love to do that Red: Sure Red: I'll try to make it as business-y as a painting can get Black: that would be great Black: is great business all business all the time would you say? Red: Everything in it's own way is business, even though it may not be perceived that way Red: like our exchanges Red: our conversation is a product Black: wow Red: and we are paying online services to have this conversation Black: alright lets do some red Red: and are exchanging the services of conversation with one another Red: Better? Black: oh yes much Black: commerce Black: that's a word with quite a few meanings i'm told Red: yes, and there are a lot of different types Black: it means of course, buying and selling Black: but also it can mean intellectual exchange Black: social interaction too Red: yes, well it all depends on a product Red: and a product can be anything Red: tangible or intangible Black: when i did my word drawings on ebay a few years ago i was playing with that idea Black: an idea? Red: yes Red: look at writers Black: the BIG BLUE THING idea Red: they are paid for their ideas Black: what's your favorite kind of business? Red: or services as well, that is intangible Red: hmm, that's hard to say Red: I think I enjoy marketing or sales rather Red: because I can talk to people and can create Black: yeah! that's fun Black: steve and i do that Black: we come up with great ideas and then find companies to sell into them Red: I think doing that is a lot of fun Red: if I knew I could make a definite living off of it, I'd probably want to be a writer instead Black: i agree Black: writing is fun but can it beat painting? Black: i mean painting... you get your brush.. sort of... Black: and make shapes! lines! Black: blur things together Red: I love painting, but I don't think I could do it all of the time Red: I would feel frustrated after a while Black: too much turpentine? Black: your uncle did that alot but with acrylics mostly right? Red: hahaha, no. When I draw, I only feel like it when I have something in mind Red: I believe so, I'm not familiar with all of his mediums Black: i like what he said about 'business art' Black: i think that was right on target in a lot of ways Red: He was very on point. Black: its an exciting world in which to create business now Black: what excites you most would you say? Red: There is a lot going on. Red: I like the idea of being able to do business in foreign countries. Red: That is actually my specialization. I'm focusing on Japan and eastern Asia. Black: wow -big markets there Red: A lot of area to cover. Black: i just said goodnight to a friend who is in advertising in beijing Black: it's midnight there now Red: I would love to go to Beijing someday. Red: Though I am rather excited to go to Tokyo next year. Black: nice Black: a beautiful city Black: the art of business - for you how do you see that? Red: I think the whole country is beautiful. Red: Hmm... Red: I think business is one of those arts that just comes naturally. Red: You get to create in your own way. Black: with an idea writen down? Black: a phone call? Black: a gesture? Red: A conversation, a sale, a merger. Red: They all create things. Black: yes - in each... new ways of looking at that which was already there Black: i like that Red: Business lies on a matrix of relationships basically. It's an interesting structure. Black: like a social sculpture would you say? Red: Yes, like that. Black: its an organizing principle Black: in some cases, an organizing principal Black: in my company we actually have two of them Black: it's fun Red: That's pretty neat. Black: what is marketing. how do you see that concept? Black: it's a fuzzy word for lots of people Red: Whether they know it or not, everyone markets. Black: oh - interesting Red: We market by what clothes we wear, what music we listen to, where we spend our free time. Red: It all gives off an image of some sort. Black: that creates us yes Red: Or when you try to make friends, that is essentially you marketing yourself. Black: wow Black: mating - tha's marketing for sure Black: that's all about mergers Black: but a shared cup of coffee - that's a merger too Red: hahahaha! That is funny. Red: It's a mix of that and networking. Black: i like the term netplaying Black: makes it more fun for me Red: netplaying... I like it! Black: today we're getting people exciting about a very interesting business idea Red: Is that so? Black: steve and i talked with justin rockefeller at a friend's bday party Black: he's on the board of a not for profit called 'generation engage' Red: What do they do? Black: they're going to make it possible for good communicators to make a living simply by doing their part toward mainting a good sense of civic awareness Black: not just voting during election time..... but ongoing Black: community, friends, peers Red: That is something that really needs to be done. It seems the only time any regular person wants to talk politics is around the presidential election. Black: yes exactly Black: and then its p diddy says do this Black: its not coming from the richness of the people - it's coming from somewhere else Black: so i really like that about their approach Red: Very interesting. Black: lindy its a beautiful day Black: what are you doing to do today? Red: I'm meeting a friend for lunch, then driving home and taking a nap. Black: nice! Black: that would be a great idea for a business Black: nap hotels Red: I should start a business at school for commuters. A napping station. Black: haha nice Red: So we don't have to sleep in the hallway on benches. Black: lindy always a pleasure having you in a painting Black: best in life and business to you! Red: Glad to help. I hope it was business-y enough for you. Black: yes - in fact this is the bottom line - and it's all yours: Red: It was fun doing this, but I've gotta go to lunch with an associate.